Saturday, September 22, 2007

On Gandhi and Leadership

Gandhi ~ beloved by many and, surprisingly so, equally disliked by many. Yet unerringly he sought and beseeched to live by higher standards of living, as was revealed to him through his conscience. In doing so, he became the conscience of our common humanity: he went, where so few of us are willing to go. He did, what so few of us are willing to do. And he said, what so few of us are willing to say. And he did it all: facing threats, beatings, poverty, and starvation, he set an example for all of us to act in accord with our inner voice, even if they be extreme circumstances. Listen here: Gandhi

A wonderful movie has been created by Sir Richard Attenborough called "Gandhi":

I found that most people who hold leadership positions are liked by many, and are just as equally disliked by others, no matter how good of a job he or she does as a community representative. This was also my experience as community steward of a yoga studio: fact of the matter is, someone, somewhere, is going to be happy about what you did, and someone, somewhere, will not.

© 2009 Martin Adams. All Rights Reserved.

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Sunday, September 2, 2007


What a beautiful, dangerous, enlivening experience. Truly, words cannot capture what this event was like... Skydiving, like nothing before in life, showed me the fleetingness of this experience we call "life".

As much as I loved this experience, and as much as it opened my heart and changed my perception on things, I realize just how dangerous this sport is: you are called upon using your wits at a time when the enormity of what you're experiencing (free fall at 120 miles/hour) totally blows the mind and blasts open the heart (the beauty and utter absurdity of it all). It's like being in the presence of God and then trying to remember an old phone number, with your life depending on you remembering the number before it's too late.

Upon watching the YouTube video, I've heard people tell me that they admire the courage it took to do this. I reply that to leap out of an airplane sometimes requires just as much courage as some of the other leaps we have to take in daily life... those leaps that involve faith, love, and trust in our dealings with friends, loved ones and business associates.